Le Wild Explorer
Oh My! Travel Travel Tips

S2 Ep. 19: Traveling By Plane With A 1-Year Old

On this week’s episode, we talk all about Martha’s recent trip to Mexico with her 1-year old son. From packing to going to the airport, on the flight, and back home, Martha gives us the deets on traveling by plane with a 1-year old.

Do you have plans to travel by plane with a small child? Check out this week’s episode for tips and to hear Martha’s adventures and misadventures and how helpful it is to have certain items and extra help.

As always, thank you for listening to this week’s episode! We hope you enjoyed this Nicaragua travel guide. Feel free to write us on our Instagram, Twitter, & the Le Wild Explorer blog with your questions, comments & anything else that’s on your mind! Follow us at @ohmytravelpodcast, @lewildexplorer, & @marthagetsit


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