Le Wild Explorer
Oh My! Travel Travel Tips

S3 Ep. 18: Traveling While Pregnant

On today’s episode of Oh My! Travel Podcast, we have special guest Alyssa aka Ojos Extranjeros. Alyssa chats with us about traveling while pregnant. She tells us all about how life was before and how being pregnant has changed the way she travels. The mommy-to-be also shares her latest experiences and tells us about her upcoming travels plans.

Traveling mommas and future traveling mommas, tune in! You won’t want to miss this episode all about traveling while pregnant.

Be sure to follow Alyssa on Instagram for travel inspiration and to follow her journey into motherhood.

As always, thank you for listening to this week’s episode, we hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to write us on our Instagram, Twitter, & the Le Wild Explorer blog with your questions, comments & anything else that’s on your mind! Follow us at @ohmytravelpodcast, @lewildexplorer, & @marthagetsit.

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