Le Wild Explorer
California North America Oh My! Travel United States

S2 Ep. 9 Happy 2019 from The Rose Parade!

Happy New Year! Many celebrate New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day in special ways. It may be with a tradition, a party, or attending an event. Well, for this New Year we wanted to do something special and go out on location to The Tournament of Roses Parade, also known as the Rose Parade, that is on every New Year’s Day in Pasadena, California.

The Rose Parade has been held every year since 1890 and since it’s so close to home the Oh My! team wanted to do an on-location recording. Martha and Jeanine went on a mission to find where the parade floats were being decorated prior to the big festival. Tune in to listen to how the day unfolds and awesome facts about America’s favorite New Year’s Day parade, which is attended by thousands and watched by millions across the U.S. and around the world.

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